Charnwood Country 8 Twin Wall installation
After the original Chimney was ripped out of this property our task was to re-instate a flue so that the customer could have a wood burning stove in his lounge.
The Hearth is down, we are now trialling the flue for position (Dry run before we set the final position).
Ground Floor complete. The 45 degree angle is to ensure the flue will exit at exactly the right point in the roof.
First floor: note ventilated firestop plate on floor, another will be added to the ceiling, this is essential to ensure fires can't spread from one level to another. It is essential that distance to combustibles is maintained.
There was a loft conversion on this particular property. (More work and more boxing in!!) Luckily my original trade was carpentry, all the work you see is completed by myself and my labourer (apart from the plastering).
Roof breakout: this is where the fun happens, first the rafters must be bridged: to maintain the structural integrity of the building: Then flashing and lead tags to keep everything watertight. (Great fun!!).
Flashing complete.
New chimney!!
More boxing in, quite a lot of space was stolen from the room in this install, we did offer to box more closely to the flue to allow for shelving/ cupboard but the customer was keen to go for clean lines in the room.
Plastered: skirts went on after this picture.
Plastered: note the vents, these allow any convection from the heat produced in the twin wall to be transferred to the room and prevents any condensation.
Job done: Here we are commissioning the stove with the customer: at P. Cottrell Building and stoves we ALWAYS run through lighting up sequence and safe operation with every customer as part of the commisioning process.